Friday 27 November 2009



The main marketing of the film Wild Child was given through roadio shows and tv interviews of the main characters in the which are Emma Robberts and her on screen heat throb Alex Pettyfer. Such intertiews take place on STV (scottish television), Radio stations and Magazines. 

Wednesday 18 November 2009


Target Audience

The target audience for Wild Child is in the range of 12 to 24 year olds with over 15's taking the biggest ratings. This film would appeal to this target audience as the plot of the story is about a teenage girl and her life which would make these girls/boys relate to her more than that of a younger or older person.



Wild Child is placed in the genre of a 'teen romantic comedy. '
This is due to the light hearted ambience of the film. The plot of the story is that of a girl called Poppy Moore who always got what she wanted in Malibu until she decided to push her father too far which lead to her being taken to a boarding school in drizzly England. With hilarious episodes and a little bit of love this makes the perfect 'chic-flik.'